Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the online store of Ecodomi Stagakis.

Modification of Terms of Use
Ecodomi Stagakis reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions, made through its online store without prior notice, informing visitors by posting the new terms and conditions on the website of this online store. Please note that the change of terms does not apply to orders that you have already placed.

Provided Information & Products

Ecodomi Stagakis is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided on the website of ecodomi-stagakis.gr, subject to any technical or typographical errors that can not be predicted or have occurred unintentionally, including descriptions. of photos (color rendering, etc.) and product prices, or downtime of the website due to force majeure, without at the same time committing to the availability of products. The company, in the context of good faith, is not responsible and is not liable for errors due to inadvertence when entering electronic data in the store.

Limitation of Liability


Ecoodomi Stagakis can provide no guarantee for the availability of the products posted on its website. However, it undertakes to inform the customers in time about the non-availability in case they express interest for ordering a non-available product.

Ecoodomi Stagakis is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order (except in the cases of the paragraph “Return – Replacement of Products”).
It is also reserved as to the time of delivery of the goods in cases of force majeure.
The online store ecodomi-stagakis.gr provides the content (information, names, photos, illustrations, etc.), products and services available through the website “exactly as they are”.
In no case is the online store of Ecodomi Stagakis liable for any claims of legal or civil and / or criminal nature or for any damage (positive, special or negative which is indicative and not restrictive, divisive and / or cumulative in loss of profits, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) by visitors of the website or third parties due to a reason related to the operation or not and / or use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or information available from it and / or from any unauthorized interference by third parties with products and / or services and / or information available through it.

Intellectual Property Rights

This website is the official online store of Ecodomi Stagakis. Except as expressly stated (copyrights of third parties, affiliates and suppliers), all content on the website, including images, text and audiovisual material, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of Ecodomi Stagata. the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.
No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Content Provider. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of Ecoodomi Stagakis.

The names, images, logos, insignia, texts and audiovisual material representing Ecodomi Stagakis and / or its online store ecodomi-stagakis.gr and / or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are exclusive trademarks. and distinctive features of Ecodomi Stagakis and / or ecodomi-stagakis.gr and / or the above third parties and are protected by Greek, Community and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. In any case, their appearance and display on the website ecodomi-stagakis.gr and in the online store of Ecodomi Stagakis should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

User Responsibility
The users of the website ecodomi-stagakis.gr accept that they will not use the website of Ecodomi Stagakis for sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in any other way any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory or infringing. of someone else’s privacy.
In addition, individuals accept that the products they order through the online store ecodomi-stagakis.gr are intended for personal use.

Difference between store price and online store price

The pricing policy of Ecodomi Stagakis products is the same in all its distribution channels: stores, catalogs, online store.
In any case, although we make every effort to accurately indicate the data and prices we quote in our online store, we can not rule out the possibility of typographical or technical errors in prices and product features. For this reason, for any clarifications, we recommend that before each payment and the completion of your order to contact the Customer Service Department of online shopping by phone: (+30) 2831027000 or via e-mail: [email protected].

Applicable law

The above terms and conditions as well as any modification, change or alteration are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms becomes contrary to law, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from the present without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. This constitutes the entire agreement between the ecodomi-stagakis.gr website and the visitor of its pages and services and binds only them. No modification of these terms will be considered and will not form part of this agreement unless it has been formulated in writing and incorporated into it.

Electronic Dispute Resolution (ODR)
As of 15/02/2016, Directive 2013/11 / EC was harmonized in Greek legislation (with JM 70330/2015) which provides for the possibility, both for consumers and traders, of electronic consumer dispute resolution through the Electronic Dispute Resolution platform. (Online Dispute Resolution – ODR) of the European Commission.

It is a dispute resolution mechanism through certified dispute resolution bodies (ADRs) that undertake to reconcile consumer and supplier disputes online, quickly and at a low cost (compared to courts).

In this context, the European Alternative Dispute Resolution Body (http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr) is the hub for managing consumer requests to be sent to suppliers. The suppliers then propose the competent ADR bodies to resolve the dispute.
The process is easy, completed electronically and serves all EU countries.

In case the consumer has any problem with a purchase made by the Online Store and resides within the EU he can use the following website https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show for out-of-court settlement of the dispute. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Body (ADR) certified for this purpose is: the European Consumer Center of Greece (ECC GREECE), 144 Alexandras Ave., PC 11 471, Athens, +30 2106460284 +30 2106460784 [email protected] and the respective consumer can contact in order to be guided throughout the process of submitting and processing a possible complaint.
According to Directive 2013/11 / EC, which was incorporated in Greece with JM 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic consumer dispute resolution is now provided through the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process throughout the European Union. If the customer has the status of a consumer (ie a natural person acting outside the professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website, he can initiate the ADR process through the single all-union platform for electronic dispute resolution (platform ADR) available at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage.

Products’ market
Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the online store of Ecodomi Stagakis.

Products’ market
In our online store you can find representative products of household and technical equipment of the company Ecodomi Stagakis.
To facilitate your search, we have divided our products into central categories. All categories grow in a subcategory tree. Our goal is to reach the final product with the fewest possible clicks.
If you are looking for something specific, use the “search”, which will lead you directly to your specific choice.
Ecoodomi Stagakis makes every effort to provide high quality services but nevertheless is not responsible for any errors in prices and product features and can not guarantee that there will be no downtime of the website or “human” errors in the information / listing of the price of a product. For the safety and effectiveness of your purchases, we call you if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price in relation to its market value, before proceeding with its order, contact the Customer Service Department of online purchases by phone: (+30) 2831027000 or via e-mail: [email protected].

We also recommend that before you make purchases from our online store to visit the section “Useful Information”, where you will find useful information about the process and how to buy products.
When registering your order you will receive an automated e-mail stating the details of your order.
During the progress of your order you can visit the “Orders” section on our website to be informed about the progress of your order. The order progress stages are as follows:

“In progress”: Your order has been received by a partner of our company who checks it for accuracy and is in the process of collecting products in our warehouse.

“Complete”: The products of the order have been collected and have been sent for shipment to your place.

“Shipping”: Your order has been shipped. You are notified of the courier number so you can track it until it reaches you.

“Payment pending”: The products of the order have been collected and payment is expected to be sent for shipment to your place.

“Canceled”: Your order has been canceled from the warehouse, usually after consultation with you.
In case there is a pending issue in your order then a corresponding e-mail will be sent to you. Alternatively, we will contact you on the phones you have stated when registering or registering your order on our website.

In case you do not receive a relevant e-mail confirming your order or notifying us by phone, it is your obligation to inform us without delay, as there may be a problem with the contact details you have stated. Ecoodomi Stagakis does not bear any responsibility in case you have entered your contact details incorrectly, as a result of which it is not possible for us to communicate with you.

In periods of extreme weather events or strikes as well as in any case of force majeure, which may affect the transport and delivery of your order.

In case it is impossible to contact you by phone and / or by e-mail (if there is a problem with your order, either in relation to the product or in relation to its payment) because the contact details provided you have entered, they are not properly updated. In this case, we inform you through the status of your order that there is “Impossibility of communication” and you should contact our company. Ecoodomi Stagakis does not bear any responsibility in case you have entered your contact details incorrectly, as a result of which it is not possible for us to communicate with you.

Order cancellation

The order can be canceled in the following cases:

Before the order is completed, during the electronic process of your order you can at any time press the button “Previous Step” to return to the previous step of the process. In case you have reached the last stage, before the final registration of your order, you can click the “cancel-cancel” button that will appear in a special window that opens in order to confirm the registration of your order. By “clicking” this button, the ordering process is automatically stopped and you can continue browsing our web site.

If the online order has been completed but the product has not been shipped yet, you can contact the Customer Service Department of online shopping by phone: 2103004478 or via e-mail: [email protected] and one of our partners will cancel your order.

After receiving the product, contact the Customer Service Department of online purchases by phone: (+30) 2831027000 or via e-mail: [email protected] to explain the reason you wish to cancel the order. One of our partners will serve you immediately and will inform you about all your options.

In case of payment by credit card, no cash is refunded but the return is made through the Bank to your credit card.
In any case and for all the above cases, the maximum cancellation period may not be extended beyond fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt.